Not alone; in peace
and freedom I sway my branches,
dance in the breeze,
worshiping in the rain.
A cool rain that soaks deep,
soaks gently, splashing off
my new growth, running down
last years branches, sinking under,
lower, further, into the hidden places.
Not alone; in stillness
I see the night come. See
the fading light offer stars that
come silently and move their
dream-like pictures across my sky.
A waxing moon slides past.
It keeps its secrets or maybe
whispers them to the stars,
or the angels. I don't mind.
They are humble, never jealous that
all day long the sun overpowers them.
They are faithful, never out of
formation, always on time.
Men trust their lives to the
stars, sailors to the night-sky-truth.
I trust mine to the sun's promise
of tomorrow.
Not alone; I soak in light,
in sunlight. My leaves stretch, grow
larger, and become deeper hues. I grow,
and no one sees me,
and no one hears me,
until I am strong enough to bear the
weight of a tree house,
or am filled with fruit.
Anonymity is fitting for me;
Rain, stars, and sun I contain.