Is 59:19

So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. [or, shall put him to flight]

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ay Corey kang go Molli ra

Ay bay kang boreykulu mana faham wone tirra. Amma, ay ga ba kang ay Afrique borey ga faham, zama ay gonda sanizey a se.

Zarma borey, da ay cele, AY GA BA NI!
Ay go ga ni faaji.
Ay ga Irikoy sabu ni se.

Fati Myma, Irikoy ma konda cimi ni se. Cimi, da cimibeeri, da baafuna. Irikoy ma konda arrawaso hanno kang bay Yesu ni se, da Irikoy ma ni konda nwari, da bani, da coro hanno, da coro kang bay Yesu. Fati Myma, ay go ga adduwa ni se, kang ni ma du gabi, ni ma ci borey boobo Yesu bong, ni ma du farha Yesu ra. Ay ga ba ni gumo!

Fati Bubacar Beeri, ay go ga ni faaji. Ay faaji ni suru, da ni care-bandayang da ay. Ay go ga adduwa ni se, kang ni ma faham Yesu baafuna ni se, kang ni ma du cimibeeri, kang ni ma du Yesu, da ni ma te Yesu sani. Ay go ga adduwa ni se, kang Irikoy ma konda ni se bani, da cimi, da Yesu baakasinay.

Bubacar, ay go ga adduwa ni se, mo. Irikoy ma konda ni se biya bani, da cimibeeri, da Irikoy sani, da gabi ga te Yesu saniboobo. Ni ma te Yesu sani, zama ni ma ti Molli Yesu Alfaga. Ay go ga Irikoy ba ga ni no gabi kang ni ma ci Molli boreykulu se Yesu sani, da Yesu cimi. Irikoy go ga ni ba gumo. Ni mana dirgan kang Yesu ga no jineykulu kang ni gonda moradu se. Mo, Irikoy ga ni no haykulu kang ni gonda biya moradu se. Ni ma miila bong Yesu sani zarakulu.

Sadi, Ay go ga ni faaji. Ay ga ba ga te cowyang da ni, da ay ga ba ga ti ni beeri. Waati kang ni maa Irikoy sani, ni ma maa hanno, da boori. Irikoy gonda cimi. Ni ma maa, ni ma te. Zama ay ga ba ni. Ay ga ba ga di ni beene ra! Irikoy ma konda cimibeeri ni se!

Irikoy, Ay Yesu, Ay Baba, fonda goy ni goy Molli ra. Ay go ga Ni sabu gumo zama ni baa ay Molli borey, da Molli boreykulu. Ni ma te borey se hannokulu. Iri ga ni beerundi zarakulu. Iri ga ni sabu, zama ni Iri zunubu teeri. Ni faham sanikulu, da Iri beerundi ni Iri biya ra, carebanda. Ka, ga te iri se. Zama Iri ti ni izey kayna. Yesu mayo ra, Amen.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'm really still alive...

:) he he:) sheepish grin...

The above sheepish grin is because I've not blogged in FOREVER. I haven't had anything interesting to say. I've had interesting things happen, but no interesting things to say.

I still don't have anything interesting to say, except that Spring is finally here and my heart loves Loves LOVES it!

Hopefully I'll have something interesting in the future. Until then, enjoy the amazing Spring weather!

"For He is our peace..." Eph 2:14

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Abide in My Love

Jesus said to her,
"Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?" Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him,
"Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away." Jesus said to her,
"Mary." She turned and said to him in Aramaic,
"Rabboni!" (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her,
"Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"
~from John 20 ESV

It is raining today. Not a fierce, driving rain, nor yet a steady soft rain. But it is raining a gentle drizzle that is just enough to get you significantly wet if you're in it for more than a few minutes, but not so much as to make it miserable to be out. The clouds make a grey light that lulls one to sleep. Indeed, it is a very sleepy day.

But it is not a very wintry day, and for that I am grateful. I'm so tired of winter. Spring is almost fully here, and I love it.

My Savior is alive.

I was reminded as I was walking in the beautiful weather, how intensely Jesus impacts my life. Actually it is His life that gives me life. I think of so many things I look to for pleasure, and how they always fail to satisfy unless I am walking in Jesus' love. Only then does anything have meaning for me, and then, everything does. "Abide in my love," He said. "If you keep my commandments you will abide in my love."

For example, I was helping mom get the garden ready a couple of days ago (we got nearly all of it tilled). Doing home things often reminds me that I desire my own home and family. But I want nothing without Jesus. I want singleness right now, because I have Jesus' life in my singleness. I would walk in His love in all times of life. Should I marry, it would be hell without Jesus' life in my my very heart.

Maybe I am being confusing. What I mean to say is this: Jesus in me is my worth--not the approval of men, the discovery of pleasure, or being in control--, and living in Him is all life. Without Him I can do nothing. And I'm so glad He is giving me life!

"If you keep my commandments you will abide in my love."
Jesus, may I keep them!

~from John 15

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pampered Recipe

Recipe for a good Pampering

First, clean the tub and fill with warm to hot water.
Second, turn on the tea kettle. When hot, pour the water into a small teapot. Add one chamomile tea bag.
Third, go find your favorite CDs and a player.
Fourth, search for that bath salt or oil given to you last Christmas.
Fifth, find some clean PJs and a towel. Put them in the bathroom.
Sixth, grab your journal.
Seventh, turn on the hot water in the tub because it's cold by now. Add the salt.
Eighth, bring in your tea, music, and journal.
Ninth, light a candle and take the phone off the hook.
Tenth, climb in and reap the rewards of your hard labor (searching, heating, gathering).

Be pampered.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


As anyone who has spoken with me knows, I am ready for spring to come in full. We have had some very nice weather here and there in March, but we have also had snow, and snow is in the forecast for this weekend.

Today it was very much like spring. It warmed my cabin-fever-ish heart.

I dug in the garden! Yep, and helped Rissa and Sully make a volcano with baking soda and vinegar. We walked to the park with Jack, our cockerspaniel, and we felt the warmth of the sun on our shoulders.

I hope that real spring--the almost summer spring-- comes soon. Until then, I will thank God for the spring that comes and goes.